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Violence. Substance abuse. Cheating to win. Welcome to Australian kids television in the 90s! Join Monkey Boy, Swinny & Mike for The Ferals Podcast – an in-depth look at the Australian cult-classic children’s TV show The Ferals. Aired between ’94 and ‘95 on the Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC), the show has since fallen into obscurity – and it’s up to us to bring it back out of the mothballs, dammit! Listen in utter amazement as we breakdown the exploits of Rattus P. Rattus, Modigliana, Derrin and Mixy as they plot against their evil landlord Joe King, with the aid of their student friends Robbie and Leonard. Oh, there’s also Keith the Koala. He’s awesome. So prepare yourself for a headfirst, one-way trip into the bizarre, violent – and at times, frankly disturbing world of The Ferals!

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An Explosion of Talent

S01E01, 18 May 2015

You know what would make a great children’s TV show?

Budgie-smugglers, mass beatings and industrial metal band Ministry.

The inaugural episode of The Ferals Podcast is an in-depth look at the cult classic ABC show The Ferals – in all its glorious and immoral wonder.

In Episode S01E01, we’re introduced to the titular gang of dirty puppets, a douchebag promoter named Joe King and his two new neighbours – a guitar-wielding medical vixen and a friendzoned science student.

Listen as Monkey Boy, Swinny & Mike delve into the bizarre, violent – and at times, frankly disturbing world of Australian children’s TV show, The Ferals!

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The Ferals Podcast